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One Year On……

    “Time is the longest distance between two places.” ~Tennessee Williams A year ago this week I was jetlagged, excited to be reunited with my husband and nervous about the journey ahead and what it meant for my family. Living 3,000 miles away and an ocean apart from loved …

Fasching: The Mardi Gras of Germany

This past weekend we experienced a very cultural event in our community: Fasching-also known as Karneval and Faschnacht. Basically, this is the Rhineland’s Mardi Gras-a celebration before the beginning of Lent. There are a week’s worth of activities, starting with Women’s Day followed by various parades and parties. This was an …

Potty Training Mommy

I’ve been dreading potty training for awhile now. I know how stubborn my kid is. I know. I recall four months of not sleeping because he refused to stop crying. I remember naps on my lap, the car, the floor-basically anywhere but his own crib. I remember once he figured …


In Germany, Kindergarten, also known as Kita, is for kids between the ages of 3-6, unlike the States where kindergarten is just …

17 Days

I had the daunting task of spending 17 days in a foreign country with my toddler while my husband traveled back to …

Auschwitz-Never Forget

Auschwitz is the 4th concentration camp that I have visited—and you never get over the shock of the horror of it all. …